Quest Based NPC's

The NPC's found here are found only in the various quests on Magistream.


"I," he gestures self-importantly, "am the renowned Alchemist Mordecai. Perhaps you have heard of me?" You shake your head, but he continues speaking as if you had nodded. "I am sure my reputation makes you curious as to why I have summoned you?"

You first see Mordecai in the First quest. When you meet him, you can easily tell that he's is a very shady guy. Not only that, but you feel sick to your stomach when you find out what the Eggs you give him are for.

The Traveling Prophet

The man waves heavily wrinkled hands about vaguely, and you wonder for a moment if he is mad. “I am the teller of dreams, marker of paths...” his voice is deep, the voice of a storyteller. “I can show you the way to paths untraveled, open gates to wander among -” “Oh,” you say, interrupting him; “you're a prophet, aren't you?” The man's eyes lose some of their dreaming quality, and his lips set in a definite annoyed grimace.

This old man is first spotted in the Alasre Mountains and is the main NPC of the Second Quest. Oddly enough, you never find out what he does with the Egg you give him. Many have speculated that he makes his way to Synara city and opens up a shop; "Prophets Panther Bonanza."

Crown Prince Lavin of Synara City

Crown Prince Lavin is well known for his fondness of dogs. He has breeds from around the world, from the cold lands of Arkene to the sweltering heat of Voltar. He has even come to visit The Keep, pale skin and light hair standing out among the more common born. Such a trip was part of his education, a lesson to learn about magi and their magic. Mostly, though, the young man spent his time playing with the pets of magi. The prince was greatly enamored with direwolves, marveling at their sweet tempers. Many times he expressed his desire to return to Synara with one.

This boy is first seen in the end of the Third Quest, which is quite an amusing quest. You find out he is a big fan of Direwolves, more so Albino Direwolves. You also go to his Birthday Party, as a sort of Embassador for The Keep so the two areas can stay peaceful.


The boy who interrupted your studies was much younger than you, his blue cloak marking him as a student specializing in water magic. “There aren't,” he replied, blue eyes bright with interest. “Where on earth did you find it?” you continue, wondering how a student so young came by this clearly valuable scrap. The boy shrugged; “Traded a sanus for it. I don't know the language, though. You're older than me. Do you?” Still examining the paper, you shake your head, intrigued. The boy sigh impatiently; “Will you help me figure out what it means? Or at least buy it off me? The other students say things like this are valuable.”

This younger magi appears in the first section of the Naga quest. He doesn't seem too bright in the ways of trading though.


“Excuse me,” says a student, the second one of the day to interrupt you. Looking up from the dusty tome you're bent over, you see a magi from your year. “Nimor,” you say by way of greeting. “What are you working on?” she asks, sweeping back her long, dark hair. You sigh and offer her the scrap of paper. “This ridiculous piece of scroll. I can't find any translations for it.” Pulling up a chair, Nimor settles next to you and wrinkles her nose as she scrutinizes the scrap of paper. “Do you have any clues to its origin?” she asks. “It's supposedly from Raza,” you say, shrugging with exasperation. "Oh, this looks like n..." she says, stopping herself and looking at you with a mischievous smile. "Looks like what?" you ask, leaning forward. “Oh, I don't know, just something my father was studying before he died. You wouldn't be interested."

Nimor seems to be an interesting student, one who can easily translate what language was written on the scroll. So far, she has only been seen in the second section of the Naga quest.